2" Standard Plastic Chain
The 2" chain is best used when having a light weight chain is necessary for your application. This chain works best with 2.5" stanchions.
Price starting at 4 feet length. Each additional foot is $1.25
Each chain is custom cut and is nonreturnable.
3" Standard Plastic Chain
Price starting at 4 feet length. Each additional foot $0.95
Each chain is custom cut and is nonreturnable.
This chain works best with our with 3" plastic stanchions.
Sign Adapter for Plastic Stanchions
The sign adapter allows you to attach a sign to your stanchion. Simply replace the ball top with the sign adapter and insert your sign.
May accommodate signs up to 1/16" thick, 1.25" deep. Attaches to 2", 2.5" or 3" Diameter Pole.
Magnet Ring and Carabiner Kit
This kit includes (2) Magnet Rings to attach to metal surfaces and (2) Carabiners to attach chain to the magnet ring.
All items are only available in black.
This kit is perfect for temporarily blocking warehouse doors.
List Price: $25.99
Our Price: $19.28
You save $6.71!
Magnetic Ring for metal surfaces
Magnet Ring to attach to metal surfaces
This includes (1) Magnet Ring to attach to metal surfaces.
This item is only available in black.
This item is perfect for temporarily blocking warehouse doors and isles.
List Price: $4.49
Our Price: $4.50
2.5" Diameter Plastic Ground Stake
1 2.5" Ground stake for replacement of 2.5"
Black Ground Stake for outdoor use in the ground.
Zero maintenance and easy to install.
This item is perfect to be used with plastic chains
List Price: $3.59
Our Price: $3.00
You save $0.59!
Traffic Cone and Plastic Chain Connector Kit | White
The White Traffic Cone Chain Connector Kit contains everything you need to create a safe visual barrier at outdoor events, school zones, and warehouses.
List Price: $149.95
Our Price: $120.00
You save $29.95!
Traffic Cone Chain Connector Kit
The Traffic Cone Chain Connector Kit contains everything you need to
create a safe visual barrier at construction sites, traffic zones, and
List Price: $149.95
Our Price: $120.00
You save $29.95!
Traffic Cone Chain Connector Kit
The Orange Traffic Cone Chain Connector Kit contains everything you need to create a safe visual barrier at safety areas, cleaning in progress, warehouses.
List Price: $149.95
Our Price: $120.00
You save $29.95!
1" Standard Plastic Chain
The 1" chain is best used when having a light weight chain is necessary for your application. This chain works best with 2" stanchions.
Price starting at 4 feet length. Each additional foot $0.50
Each chain is custom cut and is nonreturnable.